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ACSI Certification

Evaluators from ACSI and Middle States Association Commendations

The school has a passionate commitment, loyalty, and love for Christian education and the students.

The school for the integration of Bible into the instructional program through biblical notebooks.

The board and administration for providing a learning support program and teacher K-8.

The faculty for being a “living curriculum” and showing love for the students.

The faculty for allowing spontaneous chapels for conflict resolution.

The librarian and faculty for selecting and purchasing over 1,000 Accelerated Readers titles and tests.

The administration and physical education staff for encouraging skills and team development.

The administration and music department for providing annual school concerts and plays.

The board, administration, and faculty for providing summer activities open to the community.

The administration for providing a new computer lab and techno kids instruction program K-8.

The board and administration for establishing a K-8 Spanish program.

The faculty for achieving a strong language arts program.

The administration for bringing math experts into the school for professional development.

The school for enabling students to experience social studies through hands-on experiences.

The school board for its support and good working relationship with the principal.

The school board and administration for using EITC program to secure funding for tuition assistance.

The board and administration for providing a wide range of academic, athletic, and fine arts activities.

“It was clear to the committee that the board, administration, faculty, staff, and parents desire their school to strive for excellence.”